Els Thissen - Attitudinal Healing and a Course in Miracles – Effortless Living

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Attitudinal Healing and A Course in Miracles

- Effortless living - 

Do you choose to be right or do you choose to be happy?
Your true nature is love, inner peace goes with it.

Attitudinal Healing works with 12 Principles that serve as reminders every moment of every day to choose inner peace instead of fear. Els explores important core concepts of Attitudinal Healing such as non-judgmental listening and sharing, trusting everyone to find their own answers, forgiveness and the willingness to see innocence in all relationships.
The questions, exercises, examples and explanation of the Principles of AH and the texts from A Course in Miracles provide more depth. By applying these ideas, we connect with a different attitude and approach life in a new way. That attitude is grounded in love and unity.

Els Thissen has been working with both the Course and Attitudinal Healing for over thirty years. In this book she shows how we can use the teachings of ACIM and AH to tame our emotional triggers and break free of ego patterns. Attitudinal Healing works with 12 Principles that serve as reminders every moment of every day. There are also 10 Guidelines which provide a framework for working with groups. Els also explores important core concepts of Attitudinal Healing such as non-judgmental listening and sharing, trusting everyone to find their own answers, forgiveness and the willingness to see innocence in all relationships. The questions, exercises, examples and explanation of the texts from ACIM provide more depth. By applying these ideas, we connect with a different attitude and approach life in a new way. That attitude is grounded in love and unity.


Els Thissen

In her work, Els Thissen integrates Attitudinal Healing, family and systems constellations and non-duality into one powerful whole, using the words from A Course in Miracles as a common thread.

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